Story Description

Snake of the Jungle is a fearless short story about a little girl named Kelsa who must overcome her fear of snakes before Python, the beastly snake of the jungle, senses her fear and ends her life. The legend puts it that once Python smells fear, he goes and devours them where they stand. Unless one is brave enough to face their fear and drive it away. Will Kelsa, with God's help, be able to conquer her fear and kill the snake? Or will she give in to her fear and possibly let it end her life?


   Age Group

"This story can be read by ANYONE. But the readability age and recommendation age is 10 and up (5th grade and up)"

   Christian Fiction

"This story is a Christian Fiction short story. It's premise is to teach kids how to conquer their fears with God's word and the help from people they trust. Fear is a liar, and no one should have to face it alone!"

   Fear-conquering Verses

"The verses that Kelsa reads in this short story is taken directly from the ICB version of the Bible, Psalm 91:9-13. It basically says that if you know God and you know that he is your place of safety, then he will save you from the evils of this world. He sends angels down to protect us from bad things. God protects us more than we can ever know."

"A few other fear-conquering verses are Psalm 91:4-5, Psalm 27:1-3, and Psalm 35:1-8!"